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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

June's Pick: The Help

Rating:  5 (1-5)

The Book Club pick will be announced on the 1st of every month.  Imagine-- reading 12 books a year, mamas!   Whoohoo!

June's pick is The Help by Kathryn Stockett.  For those low on cash, the Jax library has 86 copies-- reserve one!

I swear I picked this before I knew they were making a movie of it (debuting August 2011).  I was waiting til the 1st to reveal.

And.... GO!  Enjoy.
Review:  So good--- lived up to the hype and beyond.  I read this in under 36 hours because I was SO sucked in.  No laundry, dishes, sleep or... anything, really, got done while I was reading this.  Set in the 1960s, it tells the stories of the black maids/nannies working for white women in their 20s.  The one white girl who actually finished college and comes back (unmarried, tsk, tsk) begins to see the town in a new light and wants to write a book about "The Help" from their perspective.  (i.e. They do 90% of the child-rearing--they leave that to them--but at the same time put out a memo about how 'negros are diseased and we must keep a separate toilet for them'.)  Such a great read, well-written, gripping.

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