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Friday, November 18, 2011

January Pick: Sing You Home

The Marriage Plot may be a longer wait than we thought!  So we are swapping:

Sing You Home by Jodi Picoult

Every life has a soundtrack. All you have to do is listen.
Music has set the tone for most of Zoe Baxter’s life. There’s the melody that reminds her of the summer she spent rubbing baby oil on her stomach in pursuit of the perfect tan. A dance beat that makes her think of using a fake ID to slip into a nightclub. A dirge that marked the years she spent trying to get pregnant.
For better or for worse, music is the language of memory. It is also the language of love.
In the aftermath of a series of personal tragedies, Zoe throws herself into her career as a music therapist. When an unexpected friendship slowly blossoms into love, she makes plans for a new life, but to her shock and inevitable rage, some people—even those she loves and trusts most—don’t want that to happen.

***This book has hit a lot of controversy, should be a great, lively chat when we have the monthly Book Club Chat.  Please remember to be respectful of others' views!

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